Apply for Grants

Three Rivers TESOL currently offers two competitive grants.

Three Rivers TESOL Professional Development Grant

Who’s eligible: Anyone who is in the ESL/EFL field. Three Rivers TESOL membership is not required. One year of free membership in Three Rivers TESOL will be offered if the grant is awarded to a non-member.

Purpose: This grant will provide financial support to anyone who wishes to provide professional development activities to serve the ESL/EFL community

Amount: To be decided by the board each year ($500 maximum)

Application deadline:  May 31 (annually)

Application procedure: The applicant completes the application form and written proposal and submits them to The board will review the application and notify successful applicants with a check by the end of June of each year.

Selection criteria: Applications will be evaluated on the basis of project plan, project foundation, and dissemination. Detailed criteria can be found in the application. The applicant agrees to submit a newsletter article to Three Rivers TESOL describing his/her PD project if selected.

Restrictions: Grant cannot be used for (a) travel; (b) attending conferences; (c) course tuition or research projects associated with a degree program in which the applicant is enrolled; (d) testing fees.

Application form: Three Rivers TESOL Professional Development Grant Application

Three Rivers TESOL TESOL International Convention Travel Grant

Who’s eligible: Any current Three Rivers TESOL member in good standing whose proposal to the upcoming annual TESOL convention has been accepted.

Purpose: This grant will provide financial support to a Three Rivers TESOL member who wishes to attend the International TESOL Convention.

Amount: $1000 in total with award amounts of up to a maximum of $500 per person

Application deadline: December 1 (annually)

Application procedure: The applicant completes the application form and submits the form and written statement to by the deadline. The board reviews the application and notifies successful applicants with a check by 15 January.

Selection criteria:

  • The applicant demonstrates need of financial assistance to attend the convention;
  • The applicant’s attendance at the International TESOL Convention strongly benefits the ESL/EFL community;
  • The applicant’s attendance at the International TESOL Convention strongly benefits the applicant’s career goal;
  • The applicant has a solid plan of disseminating his/her learning at the International TESOL Convention;
  • The applicant agrees to submit a newsletter article to Three Rivers TESOL describing his/her experience at the convention.

Application form: Three Rivers TESOL TESOL International Travel Grant Application