Did you submit a proposal to the TESOL International Convention in Atlanta next year?
If your proposal is accepted, consider submitting an application for 3RT TESOL
International Convention Travel Grant to help you cover your expenses. 3RT will provide members in good standing up to $500 each ($1000 total) to attend.
To be considered for the grant, complete the application form available at the 3RT website and submit it along with a written statement to president@threeriverstesol.org by November 1, 2018.
The 3RT board will review submissions with the following criteria in mind:
- The applicant demonstrates need of financial assistance to attend the convention;
- The applicant’s attendance at the International TESOL Convention strongly benefits the ESL/EFL community;
- The applicant’s attendance at the International TESOL Convention strongly benefits the applicant’s career goal;
- The applicant has a solid plan of disseminating his/her learning at the
International TESOL Convention; - The applicant agrees to submit a newsletter article to Three Rivers TESOL describing his/her experience at the convention.
Once the board has reviewed applications, grant award winners will be notified and receive a check by 1 February, 2019.
Take advantage of 3RT’s support of its members’ professional development!