2021 Winter: Announcements

3RT Announcements

3RT Professional Development Grant 

Do you have an idea for a professional development activity that serves the ESL/EFL community? If so, apply for the Three Rivers TESOL Professional Development Grant!

Applicants must complete the grant application form and must submit a project proposal that includes:

1) an outline of the goals, objectives, and rationale of the project. The goals and objectives should be reasonable, measurable, and well written, with a detailed description of how the proposed PD project benefits ELL students.

2) a detailed description of the implementation plan and projected budget. If the project has multiple steps, descriptions of each are required. The implementation plan should include the evaluation methods used in the PD project.

3) a proposal for how the PD project will be shared with a wider audience. For further information about the grant guidelines, see:  https://threeriverstesol.org/wp/grants-awards/

Please forward questions and  comments to president@threeriverstesol.org. Applications are reviewed by the  board, and award amounts of up to a  maximum of $500 are available. The  annual deadline for the grant is 31 May 2021, and it is open to both 3RT members and non-members.

The Three Rivers TESOL Professional Development Grant is open to both members and non-members, so feel free to share this  information with colleagues as well.

Call for “Travel” Grant Applications!

Three Rivers TESOL typically offers an annual International Convention Travel Grant which provides financial assistance to individuals whose proposals have been accepted. In light of the fact that the convention will be held virtually this year and that many programs have undergone budget cuts, the 3RT board is offering to sponsor 6 members to attend the virtual event held on March 24-27.

Any current Three Rivers TESOL member in good standing can apply to receive up to $159, the cost of advance registration. In typical years, 3RT offers up to $1000 in travel grant funds annually. Complete the application form and submit the form and a written statement to president@threeriverstesol.org by January 31, 2021. The board will review all applications and notify successful applicants with a check by February 13.

The application form can be found at: Three Rivers TESOL TESOL International Travel Grant Application 2021.  Information about the grant is also posted on the 3RT website:  www.threeriverstesol.org

The following criteria are used by the 3RT Board to review applications:

  • The applicant demonstrates need of financial assistance to attend the convention;
  • The applicant’s attendance at the International TESOL Convention strongly benefits the ESL/EFL community;
  • The applicant’s attendance at the International TESOL Convention strongly benefits the applicant’s career goal;
  • The applicant has a solid plan of disseminating his/her learning at the International TESOL Convention;
  • The applicant agrees to submit a newsletter article to Three Rivers TESOL describing his/her experience at the convention.


Affiliate Complimentary Memberships

Seven raffle tickets for affiliate complimentary memberships were drawn at the end of the 2020 Fall Three Rivers TESOL Annual Fall Conference. The winners included:

  • Janet Asbury
  • Jenelle Seiden
  • Katherine Nigra
  • Kim Ehean
  • Megan Reiley
  • Michelle Painter
  • Virginia Parra

Raffle winners are required to be a new TESOL member or someone who has not been a member in more than five years. Renewing a TESOL member or being a current TESOL member does not qualify.