[Three Rivers TESOL] Reminder: 3RT elections and PD grant applications

Megan Reiley megan.e.reiley at gmail.com
Tue Apr 7 08:24:52 CDT 2020


As this semester has turned out very differently than expected, the 3RT
board hopes that you are healthy and safe, and for many, beginning to
adjust to teaching online.

Although the 2020 Spring Seminar has been cancelled, here are some
reminders for the 3RT community:

- 3RT members can (and should) vote in the Spring election for the
2020-2021 vice president. This position will become the president and then
past-president over a 3-year term. You can vote here:

- Anyone can apply for a 3RT Professional Development grant
<https://threeriverstesol.org/wp/grants-awards/>. Have an idea for an
in-person or online activity but need funding for supplies? Want to explore
a new curriculum or program option? Found a tech tool that you like this
semester that normally has a paid subscription? This may be a way for you
to get funding for the supplies, materials or tool to use with your own
learners and share your experience with the larger 3RT community.

- The 3RT annual update will be delivered electronically this year. When
the update is shared in person, there is a chance for members to discuss
the previous year's activities and plans for the upcoming year. *If you
have anything that you want the 3RT board to consider for the future year
or any reflections from the past year, please email
president at threeriverstesol.org <president at threeriverstesol.org>*.

Again, we hope that you are healthy and safe and we know that as educators
you are going above and beyond to ensure that your students are still
receiving quality education even if it is in an different format or method
than expected. Thank you for working to help your students during this
challenging time.

3RT Board
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