[Three Rivers TESOL] Reminder: 3RT Election Nominations due March 25

Megan Reiley megan.e.reiley at gmail.com
Sat Mar 23 06:52:02 EDT 2019

Dear 3RT members,

According to the constitution, the following board positions are open for
election at the Spring Seminar:

   - Vice President:  The Vice President ‘learns the ropes’ to become
   president and has first choice to attend TESOL Advocacy summit when funding
   is available.
   - The Secretary takes minutes at meetings, assembles contributions for
   newsletter production, and completes affiliate reports
   - The Webmaster keeps website / FB page up-to-date and manages
   membership and conference registration.

[The Webmaster position is currently being filled by the Interim Webmaster,
Megan Reiley.  According to the 3RT Constitution, the position must be
included in the election for an official assignment of a two-year term.]

Official descriptions of these positions are available in the Constitution (

If you are interested in running for a position, on the Three Rivers TESOL
Executive Board, *submit the following information to the 3RT President at

*president at threeriverstesol.org <president at threeriverstesol.org>* *before
March 25th, 2019*.

   - first and last name
   - title
   - affiliation
   - a brief 50-word statement to be include in the voting system.

 See this document
for more information, including contact information for current board
members, who welcome questions about the positions.

Happy weekend!

3RT Board
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